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Tahun Pelajaran 2015-16 Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Ponorogo

Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Ponorogo siap menerima dan membimbing calon pelajar (capel) Pondok Modern Gontor yang lulus SD/SMP tahun ini dan belum memiliki ijazah

Tentang Al-Iman Ponorogo


Menciptakan generasi siap juang fiddaroini dengan kematapan iman, ilmu dan akhlaq.

Pondok Pesantren Al Iman berdiri di atas dan untuk semua golongan. Didirikan oleh (Alm) KH. Mahfudz  Hakiem pada tahun 1412 H/ 1991 M atas dasar panggilan dakwah islamiyah. Program pendidikan dan pengajarannya diorientasikan untuk mempersiapkan kader-kader Islam yang siap juang disegala lini kehidupan pada era yang selalu berubah-ubah. Sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan cita-cita tersebut, Pondok Pesantren Al Iman mengintegrasikan PQ (Physic Quotient), SQ (Spiritual Quotient), IQ (Intelligent Quotient)  dan EQ (Emotional Quotient) dalam menanamkan pilar kemantapan aqidah dan kedalaman spiritual, akhlaqul karimah, keluasan dan kedalam IPTEK serta kematangan hidup.

Panca jiwa yaitu Keikhlasan, Kesederhanaan, Berdikari, Ukhuwah Islamiyah dan Kebebasan, diupayakan menjiwai setiap langkah dan kegiatan santri, karena bagi Pondok Pesantren Al Iman, lembaga ini bukan hanya institusi pendidikan, tapi juga institusi pembudayaan. Disiplin dan kehidupan Islami bukan sekedar “kepatuhan” tapi lebih karena  kesadaran bahkan kebutuhan. Pondok Pesantren Al Iman menerima santri putra dan putri dengan lokasi pondok yang terpisah.

Education Services

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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International Hubs

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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Bachelor’s and Master’s

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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University Life

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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Video Tour in Kingster

Take a tour in Kingster and you will find the best university in the state. The video will take you to every places in this university.

Self Development

Why Choose Kingster?

The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.

Self Development

The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.


The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.


The Kingster University Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of KU Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for Kinster’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 90,000 Kingster’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally. Throughout our great history, Kingster has offered access to a wide range of academic opportunities. As a world leader in higher education, the University has pioneered change in the sector.


Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally.

Graduated & Professional

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally.

Scholarships & Financial AID

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized globally.

Donation helps us

The Campaign for the Kingster University is the largest fundraising campaign in history. With a historic $1 billion goal, the campaign is expanding U of T’s global leadership capacity.

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